Nobel peace prize winners

It is a matter of great joy for the people of both the countries, India and Pakistan that two of our crusaders, namely 17 year old Malala Yousuf Zai of Pakistan and Mr Kailash Satyarthi of India have won the world’s greatest peace awards i.e Nobel prizes for the performance in the their campaigns for imparting education to those children who are out of school. This is for the first time that our people have been honoured with these prestigious awards in this 21st century after Rabinder Nath Tagore, Dr C V Raman, Dr Hargovind Singh Khorana and Dr Abdus Salam for their remarkable contributions in the fields of art and science respectively.  Malala Yousuf Zai has the credit of being the youngest to receive this honour. To promote education among the out of school children is, of course, a noble cause and deserves applause and appreciation from every quarter. This is in spite of the odds that  Malala had to face during her difficult task of attempting to attract out of school children towards school. As stated by the two winners, education is the first step of ladder to success.
How great of Mr Kailash Satyarthi to say that if world can give arms to the people, why can’t it give books to the out of school children. In the words of Mr Kailash, a child is to be returned to him his dream of education. This day of honour to our countries will be remembered for ever and scripted in the history with golden words. Especially the broad vision of  Malala in her adolescence becoming the premier of her country reveals her high ideas, her deep thinking and her grit to face the odds and hardships. The whole south Asia region pays homage to her.
Yours etc….
Ashiq Hussain Rather