West Pakistani refugees A humanitarian issue

B L Saraf
The reported recommendation  of the Joint Parliamentary Committee  ( JPC )  to grant   basic rights to the West Pakistani Refugees  ( WPR )    which stand denied to them, despite  living in the   State  of J&K  for the last sixty five years ,  has  sparked a  controversy in the expected quarters. In   Kashmir , some sections are up in arms against this  long awaited humanitarian move. Kashmir centric political parties are , ominously , silent on the issue . There can be denying that these people face  basic human problems ;  besides,  confronting  a   social problem which has , almost,   rendered  them   “out caste” .
Let us ,   for a moment ,  keep  off  the polemics    and   listen to the  sympathetic  words  of Supreme Court  on the issue  of WPR     ” ….The  petitioners have a justifiable grievance. We are told that they  constitute  nearly seven to eight percent of the population of the State of Jammu  & Kashmir . Surely they  are entitled to expect  to be  protected by  the State of  Jammu & Kashmir .  In   the   peculiar context  of  J&K , the Union of India also owes an obligation  to make some provisions  for the advancement of  the cultural, economic and educational rights of these persons . We do hope that the claims of   the persons like the petitioner and others  to exercise  greater rights of citizenship  will receive  due consideration  from Union of India  and the State of Jammu & Kashmir  …….” (Bachan lal  Kalgotra    V/s   State of J&K and others  ; A I R 1987 SC 1169)  These   observations  were made in a writ petition filed by the Action Committee of West Pakistan Refugees  against  the State of J &K and others  , for vindication of  their rights  as ordinary residents of the State .   The   observations  could not  translate into an executable order because of the Section  6 (2 ) of   State Constitution    and  Article 35 A of the Constitution of India .
The  WPR  have been agitating for their   settlement   as the residents of the State . So  far  , no   Government   has    addressed their problem .   On the contrary , the State Government came with a legislation called J&K Migrants Resettlement Act, 1982    –    known   as Bill N0 9 – enabling  the residents   who had migrated to Pakistan  between  1st March 1947 to 15th May 1954  to return and claim their property and resettle in the State . To  the  WPR, it  came  like   adding salt to their injury .  The Bill   has  enabling provision for those persons who had migrated to Pakistan   to return to the State and resettle here , should they  desire so .  We do not know how many of them would want to  return and how many of them have approached the Government of Pakistan to  initiate  a   legal process   for    their  return    to   the State . Till then, the matter of  return of the beneficiaries   of  the Bill No 9   will  be in the realm  of speculation.  We have it from the reliable source that those who  left for Pakistan in 1947, or immediately  thereafter   are well settled  there    and   do not   have  such  complaints against that country    as the WPR    have  in our State  .  At best ,  their’s can be a desire or choice  to return and reclaim the property, left behind .  But the case of WPR is entirely on diffirent footing . The poor persons have no choice  , nor is their permanent rehabilitation   a thing   to be desired, as an supplement . They   are  up  with   an  existential   issue  which  ought to have been    addressed ,  in right earnestness , from  the  day     one. A  thing to be desired, as an supplement ,  can  never be equated  with   the one necessary for the  very  survival . This  distinction  has to be kept in mind while analysing the  necessity of Bill No 9  and the  settlement of WPR.  Since  the matter is pending consideration before the Apex Court   it is not for us   to  discuss   the merits of the case.
True,  Bill No 9 has an  enormous  emotive and psychological   value for a  section of the  State’s populace.  It impinges on the sensitivities  of some . We know  that  in J&K   there    are   number of  unanswered questions which run as under currents  beneath the, seemingly , placid waters .  And , nobody  knows when those undercurrents will create a  deluge, hard to manage. At  times , emotions   and sensitivities  ought to be respected . Therefore, It  is no  wisdom  to  place the respective cases of  the intended beneficiaries of Bill No 9  and the WPR in an adversarial mode . Put them on the same table  and  examine , in a dispassionate manner,   whether it could  be equitable to grant as much to  the WPRs  as is intended for the potential beneficiaries of Bill No 9 .  If it  is  a correct reading, in  their Writ Petition, referred above, the WPR had, among other  prayers, sought relief on the analogy of  some of  the Provisions of Bill No 9.  Though, they had  challenged the legality of the Bill  in all respects.
May  be some persons  living in Pakistan want to avail the provisions of the Bill No 9  .  May be this law  is driven by the human  considerations ,  so  its moral     fibre  can’t  be questioned . Then  ,there is   real need to   examine the case of WPR  in the same moral and ethical context, for whom it is not   a question   of resettlement  but   of  a settlement  for   the survival . For  that , the State  and  the Central  Governments must  pay  due  regard  to  the  meaningful   words of  the  Honourable Supreme   Court        ” …………… All that we can say is that the position of the petitioner   and those like him is  anomalous  and is up to  the Legislature of the State of Jammu & Kashmir  to take action to  amend legislations such as ,    J&K     Representation  of People Act , the  Land Alienation Act, the Village  Panchayat Act  etc ; so as to make persons like petitioner who have migrated  from West Pakistan   in 1947 and who have settled down in State of J&K  since then , eligible to be included in the electoral roll , to acquire  land  and  to be elected to the  Panchayat etc……… .”  (Para  5  of the above referred case).  Though   circumspect , the Apex Court has   acknowledged  that the WPR are living in an abnormal situation .
The International  law on Human  Rights  has    relevance  on the  subject. Article  17 (1) of  Universal Declaration  of Human Rights  says that everyone  has a right to own property   alone     as well as  in  association  with others. Article 21 (1)      postulates   that everyone has a   right to take part in the Government  of the country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. Article  23 (1)  lays down that everyone has right to work , to  free choice of employment, to   just and  favourable conditions of work  and  to protection  against the  unemployment. Resolutions 3 of the 31st   International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent  have   acknowledged the importance of respect for the human dignity of protection of all  migrants .
We can   show  regard for the International law and the sympathetic words of the Apex Court by  a   speedy , fair and humanitarian  treatment to the  cause of WPR.    Their  plight    is far worse than that of the Titbitian refugees whom the State Government   has  granted all the rights which are denied to the WPR. Victims of a similar kind of tragedy cannot be treated  differently.