Oil & Gas conservation fortnight marks quiz contest at JU

Excelsior Correspondent

Participants of quiz contest, organized in connection with Oil & Gas conservation fortnight at JU.
Participants of quiz contest, organized in connection with Oil & Gas conservation fortnight at JU.

JAMMU, Jan 30: On the occasion of Oil and Gas Conservation Fortnight -2015, today, an inter- college quiz competition cum symposium was held at Jammu University.
10 selected teams of the university and also from various colleges of Jammu, participated in the programme, which was inaugurated by chief guest, Girish Ranjan, Sr Divisional Retail Sales Manager, Indian Oil Cum State Level Coordinator of Oil Industry.
Prof P K Srivastava, Dean Jammu University and known Geologist, was the guest of honour.
Mr  Ranjan said that the Oil is a scarce source of energy and every drop of it is very precious. “More so because for a country like India, where we import around 80  percent of the crude requirement,  its judicious use becomes all the more important,” he added.   P  K  Srivastava, Dean Jammu University,  also expressed his great concern about increasing use of these valuable products and stressed that  the wastage should be minimized.  “The world diplomacy and economics is ruled by Oil and by saving  every drop of petroleum product, we add to the national saving,” he said.
The winners of the Quiz were;  Kanwal Singh and  Asif from Jammu University. The quiz was conducted by  Santosh K  Gupta from Indian Oil side.