Great opportunity for India-US relationship: Bobby Jindal

WASHINGTON, Feb 24: Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has said there is a “great opportunity” for strengthening Indo-US relationship in the field of bilateral trade and war against terrorism.
Emerging out of the White House immediately after a meeting with President Barack Obama, along with other members of the National Governors Association, Jindal said India-US relationship is one area on the foreign policy front where there is a bipartisan support and the two countries would benefit – both economically and politically — from strengthening of this ties.
“I think, it is a great opportunity for both countries (India and the US),” Jindal, who is the first Indian American Governor of an US State told PTI yesterday.
“One of the things that the President did talk about (during the meeting) for example was the potential trade deal with the Pacific region and I think, this is one example whether countries like India or other nations in Asia that are friend to America. India is one of them,” Jindal.
“We have traditional allies like South Korea, Taiwan and Japan, but also other countries including Vietnam. They are friendly to America and want a strong relationship,” said the Louisiana Governor, who became the governor in 2008.
“I think this (India-US bilateral relationship) is good for India. It is good for America. I think, both economically as well as politically there are great opportunities. And there is a bipartisan support to do that. That is something that the President could work with this Congress to get done. I think this would benefit both countries,” Jindal said.
A Republican presidential aspirant, this is for the first time that Jindal has expressed his view on India US relationship. (PTI)