
Friday May 22-2015

Aries : You have ideas aplenty! And you want to roll them out to anyone who will hear them. You are also in a mood to love and give. Are you thinking of taking your grandmother to the beauty parlour for a makeover? Ganesha approves.

Taurus : As concerns of your future grip you, you will start working on a method to improve things today. It is a day of moderation and there will be neither an insurmountable problem nor a eulogistic high to brag about by the end of it. Things might get dull around the evening, but be patient as the new sunrise will have more exciting prospects to offer, says Ganesha.

Gemini : You will be flooded with mental stress and worry today. You will have a hard time expressing your feelings and emotions today. You will feel nostalgic and will be flooded with memories, however, do not let your past cloud your present and your future, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Today, you will feel blessed. And blessed you are, indeed. You will have the proverbial Midas touch, albeit with a slight difference: you will not touch the people you love and turn them to gold. You will just touch their heart and make them happier.

Leo : Humanity is something that is missing a lot these days, and you believe it to be your duty to ensure that you reach out to everyone around you, says Ganesha. But don’t expect anything as revolutionary and emphatic in your personal life. At work, you may expect smooth sailing of sorts towards the latter part of the day, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Your creative talents will flourish today. Ganesha says you will be pleased with your possessions which you have carefully safeguarded for a long time. In the evening you may want to refurbish your house by making the necessary additions and subtractions.

Libra : An extended family is a boon, especially when it comes to charting out some success. Okay, maybe it’s not Don Corleone calling the shots in your favour; but expect to get a favourable base from your relatives for the same. Bring your luck with you to work, and keep smiling. Yes, it is your dazzling smile that will help you win people’s hearts, says Ganesha.

Scorpio : Today you are likely to remain the unvarying object of emotions and sentiments, predicts Ganesha. Your inkling for performing arts may draw you to take up some lessons in classical music and traditional dance. A romantic, candlelit evening with your sweetheart may be on the cards to wrap up the day.

Sagittarius : You juggle between your passion and profession today and try to strike a perfect balance between the two. You are ambitious and will let this know to the world through your work. During the end of the day, you will nurture your talent and passion and feel liberated, says Ganesha.

Capricorn : You are very close to your family members and they will lend a helping hand whenever you need them. They will help you climb the ladder of success and making the upward movement more comfortable. Happiness will come to you, however, you may have to pay a price for it. Don’t take the presence of your loved ones in your life for granted, advises Ganesha

Aquarius : Mixed fortunes today. At work, demanding schedules may drive you up the wall, and you may struggle to keep pace with others. Don’t be dejected, says Ganesha, these things happen once in a while. It is only after such a busy day that you can bask in the pleasure of a foot massage from your beloved.

Pisces : An important day awaits you. Your spirits will be high, and your intuition uncanny. Guided by these, it is likely that you will make several significant decisions today in matters of finance and relationships. Your energy levels will be unflagging and you will find yourself at the peak of your abilities, says Ganesha.