Home Guards hold protest, demand regularization

Excelsior Correspondent

Home Guards during a protest at Jammu on Tuesday. — Excelsior / Rakesh
Home Guards during a protest at Jammu on Tuesday.
— Excelsior / Rakesh

JAMMU, June 30: All J&K Home Guard Welfare Association (HGWA) today held a protest demonstration near Dogra Hall asserting the Government to fulfill their long pending demands including regularization of their services and fixation of their salaries.
The association also demanded that the State Home Guards be provided same benefits, as are available to their counterparts in neighboring Punjab and other states.
Addressing the protesting Home Guards, their president, Kamla Sharma criticized Chief Minister Mufti Mohd Sayeed for not fulfilling his promise of conceding their (Home Guards’) demands before the imposition of code of conduct, made with the Home Guards.
Reiterating the demands of the Home Guards like fixation of salary, re-engagement of dis-engaged Home Guards, the association president said the State Home Guards are doing their assigned jobs with full dedication and hard work but the State authorities have no concern with the hardships being faced by them.
She said the Home Guards would be left with no option other than resorting to protest rallies and dharnas in front of the residences of Ministers if their demands were not fulfilled soon.
She also urged the Government to regularize them and extend all benefits which a police person gets as they have been performing their duties at par with police personnel.