Awareness programe on ‘Hypertension’ organized

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, June 30: An awareness programme on hypertension and kidney diseases was organized late last night by the department of Nephrology, Government Medical College, Jammu.
The programme was attended by consultants and resident doctors of the Department of Nephrology and Medicine.
Dr SK Bali, Head of Nephrology Department, delivered a key note address regarding the prevalence of high blood pressure and its affect on the major vital organs including kidney, heart and brain.
Dr Bali informed the gathering that the burden of high blood pressure in India is estimated to 85 million patients at present and India is soon heading towards being the hypertensive capital of the world while a large number of patients are not aware of the disease.   He said that in addition to diet control, weight reduction and physical activity, latest use of drugs like ACEI, ARB’s CCB and B-blockers in combination can be used to control hypertension and prevent end-organ damage.