Army flags off educational cum motivational tour

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, Aug 2: The army in north Kashmir’s Kupwara district flagged off a 13 day long educational cum motivational tour for students.
A defence spokesman said that the tour is part of army’s outreach initiatives to educate, motivate, empower and expand the horizons of students of the far flung areas of Karnah Tehsil in Kupwara district. “The Army based at Drugmulla organised an Educational and Motivational tour for a group of 20 students and 2 teachers to Srinagar, Delhi, Jaipur, Jodhpur and Mumbai,” the spokesman said.
The tour was flagged off by Brigadier Vivek Verma from Drugmulla Army Cantonment in the district today at 10:30 in the morning in an impressive ceremony at Drugmulla Ground.
“The 13 day tour has been planned with the aim of exposing the children to our country’s diverse culture, resilient economic resurgence, various developmental initiatives and tremendous opportunities for personal and professional growth through interactions with leading educational institutions, renowned personalities in various fields and visit to historical and cultural monuments,” the defence spokesman said.
He added that the tour also aims at providing an exposure to educational avenues existing in rest of India as also an experience on the functioning of small scale industries thereby empowering the students to create employment opportunities for themselves, as entrepreneur or to motivate others to do the same.