Ajmal’s threat to burn cricket kit works

Karachi, Nov 10:

A threat by Pakistan spinner Saeed Ajmal to burn his cricket kit and equipment has paid off as he has been allowed by the University of Agriculture in his hometown Faisalabad to continue his academy inside its campus.
Ajmal has threatened to burn his cricket gear if he was forced to close down his academy and vacate the varsity land on the campus by the Vice Chancellor of the university Iqrar Ahmed.
But with the media highlighting his plight the chief minister of Punjab Shahbaz Sharif stepped in today and a compromise was reached between the two warring parties.
“Everything is settled now and I am very happy. A proper MOU will be signed in a few days and there will be a management committee constituted to look after all financial affairs of the academy,” Ajmal told reporters after meeting with the VC and DCO of Faisalabad.
The university had yesterday issued a notice to Ajmal to vacate the premises within three days.
The VC later said on Geo Super channel that they feared that there was financial mismanagement at the academy and Ajmal was using it for commercial gain which was against the agreement between the two parties. (PTI)