Political fevicol between BJP-PDP will not last for long: Harsh

Excelsior Correspondent
SAMBA, Dec 31:  Dubbing the ruling alliance as  `bondage of opportunists’ and diametrically opposed forces,  Chairman of NPP and former Minister Harshdev Singh described the nine month rule of the coalition as a sordid tale of failures and betrayals. He said that the BJP and PDP combine with their insurmountable contradictions has created socio-political uncertainty in the State with ominous signs for the future of the State.
Addressing workers’ rally in Vijaypur today Mr Singh said that with both BJP and PDP pulling in different directions, this unholy alliance of heterogeneous ideologies had jeopardized the developmental initiative in the State adding further that the political fevicol between the two partners will not be able to bond them for long.   Mr Singh lambasted  the BJP for its ideological retreat and cowardly surrenders on majority of the issues pertaining to Jammu region to the utter disillusionment of Jammu people. He said that distrust of public had exacerbated as the BJP Ministers were acting as mere ornamental pieces in the coalition and failing utterly to espouse the cause of their core constituency.
Cautioning the BJP to come clear on ‘Ek Nishan, Ek Vidhan’ he said that the people of Jammu would no longer tolerate the deceptive politics of BJP. He said that while NPP would continue its crusade for  justice with honour to Jammu, the issues of Dogra Certificate, Service Tax on pilgrims, PoJK and Pak refugees,  commencement of Delimitation exercise for ending regional imbalances, equitable allocation of funds, end of regional bias would receive focused attention of the party.
Yash Paul Kundal, State president Young Panthers assured the people of Samba and Vijaypur that Panthers Party shall continue to fight for their genuine and just demands. He said that BJP which had promised ‘Achhe Din’ for the people had in practice caused great disillusionment among various sections of society including farmers, traders, employees, unemployed besides others. Shiv Charan Distt  president Samba, Gagan Pratap, Sarpanch Charan Dass, Sarpanch Bishan Dutt, Sarpanch Pritam Chand, Sarpanch Durga Dass, Sarpanch Dhain Singh, Sarpanch Jawar Singh, Sarpanch Krishan Lal and Sarpanch Ramesh Singh also spoke on the occasion.