Makhan deserves better deal; physically challenged blossoms in Academics, Sports

Excelsior Sports Correspondent

JAMMU, Jan 30: Hard to believe! But it is true. One, who had met a tragic accident at the tender age of six months, receiving over sixty percent burns and losing his both the hands by falling into a ‘Chullah’ at his village Ghar in Akhnoor Tehsil of Jammu District, way back in mid eighties, is having the distinction of excelling in athletics at the National and International scene, besides blossoming in Academics.
Physically challenged Mak-han Lal, son of Jagdish Raj, a resident of Village Ghar in Akhnoor, has set an example of winning a galaxy of medals in Athletics in the Nationals, besides pursuing for Masters Degree in Economics at Jammu University, despite many hardships.
A middle-distance runner, he has won silver medal in 10,000 meters and bronze medal in 5,000 meters events of the 37th National Masters Athletic Championship by clocking 41:12:12 and 19:18: 95 timings respectively at Vidasha in Madhya Pradesh recently.
He was named the best athlete in 21 kilometers Jammu Marathon held on April 19, 2015 and was honoured for the same. Makhan has also the distinction of winning gold by completing a distance of 21 kilometers in 1 hour and 33 minutes at Pune. The ace athlete has been selected for representing India at Italy in the month of May, 2016.
Apart from these achievements, the physically handicapped athlete has many more achievements to his name at domestic and National levels.
Mr Makhan, who can only write by handling the pen with both of his handicapped hands, has done his matriculation from Government High School, Chowki Chowra and has passed 12th class examination from Government Higher Secondary School, Akhnoor, before graduating from MAM College Jammu, with Compound Arts subjects including Economics, Mathematics, Statistics and English.
Presently, Makhan is pursuing MA in Economics at University of Jammu.
He takes tuition classes in Mathematics for his earnings.
For his livelihood Makhan used to sell empty apple cartons and old bags at Fruit Mandi and Sabzi Mandi, Narwal. Makhan completed his graduation at Jammu by the same earnings.
Such people, who can serve as inspiration for others deserve a better deal. They possess all that is required to serve the society, State and the Nation. Government needs to take initiatives to accommodate them in Government jobs for rendering better services.