Dogra Law College organizes Extension Lecture on Custodian Violence

Excelsior  Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 2: An Extension Lecture on Custodial Violence was organized by Dogra Law College, here.
Dr SP Vaid, DGP was the chief guest on the occasion.
The event was initiated with the lighting of the traditional lamp.  Prof K L Bhatia, Director, Dogra Law College acquainted the audience with the meaning of Custodial Violence.
This was followed by a key note address by Dr. Vai who enlightened the students with his valuable views on Custodial Violence.  To quote an example of Custodial Violence, he explained the Kasab’s Case, Bhagalpur Case and many other cases. He emphasized that the main reason of Custodial Violence is due to lack of Forensic Science technique to police department in India. The Extension Lecture concluded with the questioning cum interactive session.
Th. Gulchain Singh Charak, Chairman, Dogra Educational Trust congratulated the Dogra Law College fraternity for success of the programme. Kr Samar Dev Singh Charak, Secretary, Dogra Educational Trust and S C Khajuria, Director Adm and CD were also present on the occasion. The programme was coordinated by Samiksha Razdan, Nidha Slathia, Nawdeep Singh Sen,  Pavita Badyal, Laxmi, Uzma, Sunil Sharma and Krishan, while the vote of thanks was presented by Dr Komila Aggarwal, Principal Dogra Law College.