Biometric Attendance System

One negative culture among the administrative functionaries in our State is that they need to be sensitized to the responsibility they carry in discharging their duty. Coming late to the office, leaving office early, remaining absent without authorized leave or leaving in mid-day under one pretext and the other are some of the aberrations crept into the administrative structure. Yes, some offices maintain attendance register wherein the functionaries sign for in-coming and out-going. But that is not a foolproof system to regulate the attendance.
In February last the State Administrative Council decided to introduce Biometric Attendance System. This is electronic system of registering the attendance of an employee. This system has been introduced in the western countries and is working fine. The chief secretary recently called a meeting of administrative secretaries in which the progress of installation of Biometric Attendance System (BAS) was reviewed. It is commendable that the Government has taken a step within few weeks after ordering installation of the system to check whether the system is progressing. Obviously, the secretaries have given their assessment of the progress and the Chief Secretary once again repeated that the concerned secretaries have to make sure that the system becomes fully functional. Secretaries have been asked to submit completion of the project report by 24th of March. The SAC had decided that all the Government offices shall have Aadhaar based Biometric Attendance System in position by 31st March, 2016. SAC had also decided that the heads of offices shall ensure maintenance of proper cleanliness and sanitation within and around all Government institutions and offices.
It is appreciable that the administration is pursuing the project strictly in accordance with the time schedule it had fixed. People will find it very helpful that functionaries are in office for the full time and are not playing truant as they used to earlier. It is of much importance to inculcate the habit among the functionaries to come to office and leave the office in time. Of course, it will considerably increase the output of the work done at each desk. It will also reduce the hassles for the superiors to make cases of delinquency against the defaulters because in this system there is no need to prove whether a functionary has defaulted or not. The machine speaks for itself and if any action is needed to be taken against a defaulter, it will be taken in normal course of things.