Rs 44.87cr for installing 4 ropeways to transport agro products in Jammu

SRINAGAR : An amount of Rs 44.87 crore will be utilised to install four ropeways to facilitate farmers to transport agricultural products in Kishtwar district in Jammu region.
Minister for Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Law & Justice, Abdul Haq today informed the Legislative Council that installation of ropeways in Paddar in Kishtwar for transporting agricultural products will benefit farmers of the area.
Replying on behalf of Minister in-charge Agriculture Production to a Calling Attention Notice of Sajjad Ahmad Kichloo in the Upper House, the Minister said with a view to facilitate transportation of vegetables, fruits, other agricultural products and inputs, the Agriculture Department in coordination with other concerned agencies, made an extensive survey of Paddar areas during 2007-08.
He said that farmers could be benefited by installation of Ropeway Trolleys as they are in use in the neighboring states of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. He said accordingly, four spots/locations were identified for the proposed Ropeway System.
Mr Haq said that the PWD Department framed the estimates during 2007-08 for fixing of the ropeways at a total cost of Rs 1.37 crore.
He said these estimates were further recast during 2011-12 at Rs 44.8.7 crore and accordingly administrative approval was accorded by the Agricultural Department and their execution taken-up under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY).
The Minister said that 90 per cent work on installation of 1.50 Km ropeway at Gulabgarh to Ligri with a cost of Rs 70.74 lakh has been completed and tightening and testing of Ropeway is under process. He said for installation of 2.50 Km Ropeway from Sohal to Chitoo the part material has been stacked at the site, while as material for installation of 5 Km ropeway from Sohal to Kabban at a cost of Rs 15.20 crore and 4 km ropeway from Sohal to Ungaie with a cost of Rs 1.29 crore has been stacked at Gulabgarh Paddar.
He said that all these four works were allotted to M/S Himcable Ways of Chandigarh during November-December 2012. The works got delayed initially as projects were to be designed by the agency and the same was to be vetted from Design Directorate which took some time. He said material was supplied in the year 2014-15 after a lot of persuasion.
Mr Haq said that various notices were also issued by the R&B Department to the said company for early start & completion of the Ropeways.
The agency started actual launching works on Gulabgarh Ligri section in October 2015. As of now, the launching work has been completed and only tightening & testing of Ropeway is to be carried out which is expected to be completed shortly, he said.
Progress on other three spots shall also be expedited, subject to availability of balance funds by the Agriculture Department, he added. (AGENCIES)