Walnut rates down due to imports

Excelsior Correspondent

Srinagar, June 21: Government today said the liberal imports from countries like United States of America (USA) have declined the walnut prices thereby denting the industry badly in Kashmir.
In a written reply to a question of MLA Altaf Ahmad Wani, Minister incharge Horticulture Department stated that in order to tackle the challenge of declining market price of dry fruit especially walnut and almond the department has mobilized all available resources for promotion of walnut and almond export to existing and new markets.
“The problem has arisen due to liberal imports from other countries especially California (in USA),” the Minister stated. In a written reply to another question of MLA Abdul Rahim Rather in Lower House, the Minister incharge said the Government is aware of the challenges faced by the walnut producing farmers and industry and a committee has been constituted under the chairmanship of Vice Chancellor, SKUAST Kashmir to examine the issues confronting the walnut trade.
The aim is to devise long-term and short term measures to improve quality so as to compete in the national or international markets, he said, adding that the total production of walnut in the Valley is 1, 74, 941 metric tons with an annual turnover of approximately one thousand crore including exports.