Implementing CSR

This refers to the editorial’Implement CSR’ (DE, June10,2016).One can have valuable information about J&K Civil Services Regulation or CSR from the editorial so far its history and implementation are concerned. There is no doubt that the J&K CSR is an important book which contains all the rules and regulations both general and specific-applicable to all categories of services in our state.The rules and regulations contained in the CSR need to be implemented in letter and spirit by all the departments.But It is strange that the PSC has found that the spirit of regulations is distorted to benefit certain employees thus doing justice to the others who are more deserving and qualified.The editorial reads that the Commission has cited examples from a number of administrative departments and found that regulations in recruitment, transfers, promotions, deployment and other pecuniary benefits of state employees have been distorted.Therefore,it is imperative that a thorough probe is ordered to bring the facts to light and establish whether the regulations have been distorted deliberately or due to lack of proper knowledge of the CSR and to bring to task the Officers who have deliberately distorted the regulations to benefit those who did not deserve those benefits and ignored the deserving ones.
Moreover,the CSR needs to be reexamined to do away with the rules and regulations framed decades ago and which are old and obsolete and have lost relevance in the modern times and introduce new regulations to cater to the requirements of the society and services.The Officers,especially,the new DDOs need to be imparted induction level training to aquaint them with the basic regulations of CSR- both general and specific so that they can implement the CSR properly in the offices falling under their domain.All the offices should be supplied the brief compendium of new regulations/amendments at the end of every financial year,especially pertaining to leave rules,financial code,etc.The employees of clerical cadre also need to be imparted training through refresher courses in order to update their knowledge regarding various rules/amendments framed from time to time so that the employees in general donot suffer .Last but not least,the report of PSC needs to be taken seriously by the Government and steps taken to ensure that the rules and regulations of CSR are not distorted and are implemented in letter and spirit.
Yours etc….
Ashok Sharma,