Dr Sofat present research at Intl Congress

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 27: Dr Sumita Sofat, a renowned gynaecologist and a name to reckon with in field of infertility with experience of 20 years, brought Punjab at international level by presenting her study at International Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Barcelona, Spain.
She is the first infertility doctor in Punjab, Haryana, HP and J&K to present her research and share her views with doctors of other countries. Over 300 world renowned expert doctors from all over the world attended this meeting to discuss their views and studies
Dr Sumita’s main focus of issue was how to improve the success rate of repeated test tube baby (IVF) failure and how in her own hospital with her expertise and new equipment and new methods she is able to tackle cases of repeated IVF failure.
She is the first doctor in state of Punjab to bring CASA which is an equipment to help infertile male patients who have problems of semen count. With this machine the best sperm can be selected for impregnating the wife.