The truth of Blood and Water

Shiban  Khaibri
It is imperative to refer to the partition of 1947 – why, when, what for and at what cost; when we discuss how Pakistan has been behaving with its parent country and to refer to the horrors of the Kabayali cum Pakistan army attack on Kashmir in 1947-48 when we have to discuss the connotation of the political scenario of the sub continent. Both the countries were expected to choose the destined path of ameliorating the near sub- human conditions, economic, social and physical – the vast majority of these two countries were living in when the British left. Can anyone dispute our offer , mostly overboard, to the new theocratic country and tireless efforts to do it practically  in our advice to Pakistan, “………..It is when we start working together that the real healing takes place, it is when we start spilling our sweat and not our blood…..”. We needed healing not from the wounds inflicted by the resistance of the British to our freedom movement but to the wounds of the communal frenzy let loose in a maddening proportion, all initiated and indulged in, on a very high side by Pakistan, as a fallout of the partition strongly pressed for by the communal Muslim League led by Mr. Jinnah. It is really stunning to see how Pakistan behaved right from day next of its birth with us. Needless to go into  details  but let the  grave issue that of the ignoble state policy of promoting religo -terror armed proxy war against this country, pursued by  Islamist Pakistan   which we have been reeling under  for the last over three and a half decades. It spilled our enough blood, both of our innocent civilians and the defending security personnel. The question is but why, which is now being asked with a sort of resolution and the answers must forth come, now, without any ado.
While this country has been pleading with Pakistan to refrain from killing innocents and stop the baloney of terrorism with intent to pressurizing India over  Kashmir, nursed in military , administrative and fundamentalist elements there, it has never responded positively. It forgets now as in the past, India’s benevolent move to quenching the thirst of its millions and irrigating its hundreds of thousands of acres by exclusively offering the waters of its three rivers – the water, the life giver water, that which sustains the life.  Pakistan never felt obliged for this act of India when Nehru signed   in 1960 along with Ayub Khan the Indus Water Treaty. India never exercised the option of water against Pakistan as a ploy under extreme provocations and even in 1965, 1971 and 1999 conflicts thrust on us. Pakistan, on the other hand, believed in inflicting a “thousand cuts” and spilling our blood, innocent blood and each time it did it, it derived a sadistic pleasure. How long shall it spill blood and how long shall it be allowed to do so is as vital as it is, as to how long shall we sit only condemning it in stereo type set phraseology and wait for the day when perhaps good sense could prevail upon it. “It will have blood, they say; blood will have blood…” , as per Shakespeare – shall have its effect sooner or later .Blood will have blood. Pursuing a policy of hate, extremist religo fundamentalist approach in state craft , exhorting people within and outside in the name of religion and religion only to harm and hate India only shall have its telling effects on Pakistan  propagating this policy in the civilized world. It has   probably started feeling  by the Pakistani government, worst , the fate of the forthcoming 19th SAARC summit hanging in balance  is  heading for postponement  which  otherwise was  scheduled to be held at Islamabad.
Even after orchestrating Uri attack , the reports that there were terror launching pads  near the LoC  in occupied Kashmir , under the supervision of the regular Pakistani army trainers, readying to dispatch the indoctrinated  vermin to this side was perhaps under this assumed notion that it would be again a sort of Genoa cake for them. But it proved otherwise in the form of surgical strikes by Indian lion hearted braves with precision and professional dexterity. While the entire nation is proud of the daring deed of our army commandos and the able leadership of Shri Modi, it also raises questions as to why   Manmohan Singh government could not do in similar way when the whole world watched with horror for full two days and as many nights how Mumbai was attacked and innocents’ blood spilled here and there on 26/11. Perhaps that banana approach emboldened Pakistani establishment and under the pretext of Kashmir rant, they kept on doing mischief many a time resulting in harm to India.
Nuclear bluster threats were emanating then as they are now, from our belligerent neighbor but it was a complete under performance at diplomatic front to an abysmal level that the UPA  government could not do anything beyond redundant dossier diplomacy which gave the rogue country a lot of avoidable ambit resulting in the likes of Pathankot, Uri and other incidents. From UPA’s conventional “Kadi  Ninda” , a new turn in the shape of “Kadi  Karvayee” has taken place now  landing Pakistan in a quandary whether to acknowledge these Indian strikes or deny them at all. If it says yes, then it is doomed as it has to account for the reasons of the presence of its army personnel in these terror launching pads and if it denies then, it stands exposed from within and outside. In a lightening exercise as many as eight launch pads from five locations stand destroyed. These, as per reports, were under seven days’ surveillance. Only two days ago, Sushma Swaraj had called Pakistani bluff loudly in UNGA by thundering   “We shall render you get completely isolated (in the comity of nations).” That Pakistan grossly erred in vaunting terrorism and blundered in taking Narendra Modi like his immediate predecessor is reportedly felt seriously by its people more than by its ruling dispensation.
Let the question that of reciprocity be critically analyzed. If no expression of gratitude in ultimate sense to our giving them water to quench thirst and irrigate crops is emanating from that country at least let it be explained as to why we get death and destruction from Pakistan, why our blood is spilled? Is something wrong in our approach of being so benevolent so as to suffer indigenously because of parting with water but benefit our neighbor? If it is so, let the decision be reviewed now to “exploit to the maximum” the water of our rivers but controlled by Pakistan. Our state has been suffering and incurring losses on account of this water treaty in terms of generation of power as no big dams and power projects could be built by us on our three rivers.
The state Chief Minister too has hinted very clearly about how our state suffered due to this treaty. Pakistan realizing what India could do and what water meant has rushed to World Bank with a “Fariyad” which had brokered the water sharing agreement, to come to its rescue. But the issue is not that easy for Pakistan now as it was in 1960 when US exerted a lot of pressure on India to save Pakistan from thirst and parched lands. Even half a cut of the flow could bring down Pakistan’s GDP considerably accentuating its economic miseries.
The other  real trouble  perpetually infesting Pakistan is Kashmir which it wants on the basis of religious considerations and feigns  restlessness, “feeling” on pins and thorns because of the  “denial” of the right to self determination to  Kashmiri Muslims  and hence  their “repression by the Indian forces”. Can the gullible people especially the youth, taken in on the basis of exploitation of the religious sentiments by Pakistan clarify what they were going to get by pelting stones excepting death and destruction?  Who asks them for burning of schools and colleges so that Pakistan exploits their illiteracy to recruit them as terrorists to die a definite cheap death? Pakistani Jihadi terror elements have been killing; bombing, setting properties on fire, closed cinema halls, banned cricket, hockey, dramas, and cultural and entertaining events imposed hartals; shut downs, curfews, resulting in taking a heavy toll of mental health of thousands of Kashmiri people. More than Rs. 13000 crore losses are caused to the economy because of the recent violence, not to speak of loss of valuable lives. Need is to think about the evil mechanizations  of Pakistan believing in and pursuing an avowed policy of spilling blood of innocent Indians , in our state in particular,  while we give it water , the life. But now onwards blood will have more blood and less of water for Pakistan. It has considerably damaged Kashmir and it must now forget our Kashmir forever, in its own interest.