Four-tier GST rate structure of 5, 12, 18, 28 pc decided by  GST Council

Four-tier GST rate structure of 5, 12, 18, 28 pc decided by  GST Council
Four-tier GST rate structure of 5, 12, 18, 28 pc decided by  GST Council

NEW DELHI: Four-tier GST rate structure of 5, 12, 18, 28 per cent

decided by the all-powerful GST Council.

We have been able to finalise GST rate structure, says

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley.

Zero-tax rate to apply to 50 pc of items in CPI basket,

including foodgrains used by common man, says FM.

5 pc duty will be levied on items of mass consumption

used by common people; 2 standard rates of 12 and 18 pc will be there in GST says FM.

Items taxed at 30-31 pc (excise plus VAT) will be taxed at

28 pc said FM.

Additional revenue from highest tax slab to be used to

keep essential use items at 5 pc and transfering common use items to 18 pc says FM.

Luxuary cars, tobacco, aerated drinks to be levied with a

cess which along with clean energy cess would be used to compensate states for loss of revenue said FM. (agencies)