99% appear in Class 10th exams

Adil Lateef

Students after appearing in Class 10th examination in Srinagar on Tuesday. -Excelsior/Shakeel
Students after appearing in Class 10th examination in Srinagar on Tuesday.

SRINAGAR, Nov 15: Around 99 percent students today appeared in Class 10th annual examinations conducted by Board of School Education (BOSE) in Kashmir amid tight security.
Director School Education Kashmir (DSEK), Aijaz Ahmad Bhat, informed Excelsior that the exams were conducted smoothly without any untoward incident amid tight security arrangements and prohibitory orders imposed already in and around exam centres. He said 55500 candidates out of 56277 appeared in today’s matriculation examination in 558 centres. A total of 777 candidates remained absent.
According to DSEK, the attendance percentage of Class 10th students remained 98.61 across Kashmir. The official figures revealed that the highest number of attendance percentage was witnessed in restive Pulwama district of south Kashmir where 99.07 students turned up for the exams.
According to the figures, the attendance percentage of students in Anantnag district was 98.54, 98.51 in Budgam, 98.29 in Bandipora, 98.65 in Baramulla, 98.73 in Ganderbal, 98.26 in Kulgam, 98.78 in Kupwara, 97.69 in Shopian and 99.87 in Srinagar.
A police official said no untoward incident was reported from any part of the Valley today and the day passed off peacefully barring one incident of stone-pelting after exams by miscreants at Tarigam in South Kashmir’s Kulgam district. Meanwhile, the Director said unlike yesterday, no exam centre has been relocated today.
In the wake of the unrest and continued closure of schools, the State Board of School Education (BOSE) has announced 50 percent open choice for the students appearing in Board exams in November month and this choice was also for Class 10th students. Although it has also announced that it will hold exams in March 2017 for the students who doesn’t want to appear in November, but the 50 percent choice will not be available for them.
Most of the students expressed satisfaction over paper pattern and choice given by BOSE. However, many of the rued poor transport arrangements and said they have had to face of lot of difficulties in reaching exam centres from their respective places due to shutdown called by separatists.