Patients flow with respiratory ailments surge due to dry spell in Kashmir

Adil Lateef

Srinagar, Dec 28:As dry spell coupled with freezing temperature continues in Valley this ‘Chillai-e-Kalan’ – the harshest 40-day long winter period – respiratory ailments have gone up in Kashmir and everyday hundreds of patients report to Government Chest Disease (CD) Hospital for treatment here.
Medicos at the CD Hospital, located at Dalgate, said the patient flow is showing “increase manifold” this winter due to continuous dry spell in the region. “All the working beds ranging from 180-200 are occupied in the hospital,” Medical Superintendent (MS) Dr Naveed Nazir told Excelsior.
Disclosing statistics of patient flow, Dr Naveed said that in summer months the flow of patients in Out Patient Department (OPD) remains 300-450 per day. “However, the flow is much higher and this time it ranges from 600-700. The patients include adults, children, elderly and young men,” he said, adding that they come from both urban and rural areas.
Dr Naveed, who is also Head of the Department, said in absence of rain and snow, the humidity level decreases and freezing weather depresses the immune system and thus a person becomes prone to respiratory infection and particularly those who are already suffering from respiratory ailments. “The cold causes allergy but the virus and bacteria which are in atmosphere result in illness,” he said.
Since past three years, Kashmir has witnessed no or very less snowfall in ‘Chillai-e-Kalan’ and environmentalists are mainly blaming it on unabated cutting of forests by humans in the region. The zero or no snowfall in the Valley has not only affected health of residents but it is also affecting agricultural produce and is decreasing water level in water bodies.
The medicos said the due to dry and cold weather the patients commonly complaint of cough, cold, throat infection, chronic sinusitis and chronic bronchitis. They said the patients already suffering from respiratory ailments like asthmatics and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) face very tough time due to cold dry weather as they face repeated attacks from their diseases.
Dr Naveed, the MS CD Hospital, said the people should take preventive measures to remain healthy and save themselves from respiratory ailments. “People should cover them well with woolens, put muffler and cap on face and head respectively while those suffering from respiratory diseases already should go for timely vaccination and ensure taking their medicines,” he said.