PM asks parents to save their children from straying towards terrorism

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narender Modi while addressing the Nation today said that the parents should keep a close watch on their respective children so that they should not go towards terrorism.

He said that the black money was the only responsible for terrorism, underworld and other illegal activities. Referring to the examples where naxalites have surrendered in a large number before the law enforcement agencies during recent past, he said that a large number of youth that was indulged in such unlawful activities have surrendered before the Government.

He also referred to the incidents in Kashmir where large number of youth were indulged in stone pelting on security forces, have stopped the act of stone pelting after demonitisation.

“The parents should keep a close watch on the children. After a number of steps taken by the Government, a big number of youths have changed their way and many of them have surrendered before the law enforcement agencies,” said Mr Modi. (AGENCIES)