VHP demands uniform civil code

NAGPUR: Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) today passed a resolution on uniform civil code on the concluding day of its three-day national conclave here, asserting that any delay in its implementation would not be in interest of the country.

The VHP also decided to expand its youth wing- Bajrang Dal on the final day of its national conclave.

A resolution on uniform civil code was passed by the organisation’s board of trustees and management committee at the concluding day of its national conclave here, said its joint general secretary Surendra Jain.

“Uniform civil code is indispensable for the unity, integrity, solidarity and religious harmony in the country,” he said at a press conference.

Stating that makers of the Constitution contemplated “one nation one law”, Jain said delay in bringing in the uniform civil code was tantamount to “great disrespect to the values espoused by the architect of Constitution, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar.”

Absence of UCC promoted “separatist mindset”, he said, adding “the board of trustees and management committee of VHP proposed to the Central Government that uniform civil code be implemented for all the citizens without any further delay.” (AGENCIES)