Rejuvenate the ailing sports

Chamel Singh
India has the world’s largest youth population. 65 percent of population is below 35 years of age and 50 percent of Indian population is below 25 years. India is all set to become the youngest country of the world by 2020  as projected by statistics. Youth  of any nation is its greatest asset as they are driving force with lot of enthusiasm and zeal to excel for itself and for the honur of the country. At the same time, there is possibility that they may deviate from the  mainstream path  if their energy is not channelized in right direction. They could be lured by the vested interest for anti-social and anti national activities.
The youth of India need to be engaged in games and sports. In the world of competitive sports, our position is very weak. We could not win any medal in men section and got  one silver and one bronze medal in women category  during the recently held Olympic games  in Rio-de-Janerio. Even in Asian games we could not match the performance of China and Japan.
Having population of more than 125 crores, do not win medals whereas countries which have less population  are far better in position  in sports in international competitions. We need to look into our system of sports  to know what is ailing it and why we are lagging behind inspite of spending a huge sum of money for sports promotion? Though multiple agencies are involved since independence for the promotion and development of games and sports, the task of development of games and sports which  was entrusted  to Youth Affairs and Sports Department. The Department of Youth Affairs and Sports since its inception has taken many initiatives for involving and engaging young generation for games and sports and other co-curricular activities for their welfare and well being. But these initiatives are taken in bits and pieces. Sometimes foreign models were imitated without taking into consideration our own strength and weaknesses so the desired result could not be reaped. A lot of money was squandered in different schemes. Many reports and recommendations were given by various commissions like Radhakrishan Commission 1948-49, Mudaliar Commission 1952-53, Central Advisory Board of Education Committee, Kothari Commission (1964-66) wherein focus was to develop sports in schools and colleges through physical education. Many initiatives were taken but the agencies working for the development of sports and welfare of  the youth were working in different directions thereby causing and creating an environment of confusion and chaos. The professional sports bodies like The Indian Olympic Association and National Sports Federation are working autocratically forcing the Government to concede to their style of working, so most of time Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports and IOA, NSF works against each other ad due to dispute among them sports could not prosper. The Indian Olympic Association which was having responsibility to take Olympic movement and its ideas to every nook and corner of the country has remained confined to its Headquarters at New Delhi. The IOA is very dedicately doing its job of sending its office bearers, its sympathizers and its delegates to different countries for tours to enjoy at expense of Govt. exchequer in the name of IOA. Those who are at the helm of affairs keep their chairs rotating from one post to another, among themselves or with their near and dears using the influence of muscle power and political power to remain all powerful.
The National  Sports Associations/Federations too are  eating into the vitals of the sports. They too are working like IOA and many office bearers of IOA are also members or office bearers of NSFs or  State Sports Associations. These associations too are working autocratically and sometimes multiple associations are working for one sports discipline thereby causing confusion for sportspersons.  The Associations at Central and State level  have a great nexus among themselves. During elections in central body whose voters are office bearers of state associations are lured to vote for  a particular candidate and if he/she becomes successful the voters are awarded with foreign tour to accompany the national team as Manager/Coach or as delegate on behalf of that particular National Sport Federations/Associations. There is need to regulate the IOA and NSFs then only could sports prosper in India. The office bearers should have age limit and a fixed tenure to hold a post.
Nehru Yuva Kendras were set up in the year 1972 with the objective of providing rural youth avenues to take part in the process of nation building as well as providing opportunities for the development of their personalities and skills. NYK Sangthan autonomous organizations under Ministry of YA&S, claims itself a largest grass root level youth organization, one of its kind in the world.  Though I do not know how it is working elsewhere in the country but as far as Jammu and Samba districts of J&K are concerned,  I have witnessed hardly any activity.. Though many clubs are registered but had these clubs been working, there would have been some level of sports standard. There is need to appraise the working  of NYKS and if required it should be merged with some other sports organisation where the services of its employees could be utilized.
‘Khelo India’ which was earlier called Panchayat Yuva Khel Krida Abhiyan (PYKKA) and Rajiv Gandhi Khel Abhiyaan (RKGVA) is a good effort to make sports a mass movement through involvement of 6373 development blocks and 2,00,000 village panchayats on cluster basis. Earliar it was spread over two plan periods from 2007-08 to 2017-18 but it could not achieve the desired results except changing its title.The failure of scheme perhaps was due to catering to all the age groups.It should have been implemented in parts. Instead of involving all the age groups at a time only the youngest group that is below 16 years, should be introduced. It will help in identification of talent for the future.
Furthermore an honorarium for the selected players as motivation to take part in games and sports should be given. Those who excel among them at national level be given a job by the State or Central Governments, It is a known fact that every youth sportsperson has fear at the back of his mind about the future. In the atmosphere of uncertainty it is difficult to perform in  sports.
All games and sports should function under  one body structure wherein everyone from grass root level to highest level should be held responsible and accountable. All those associated with sports should fall under one line of command. There is need to appoint managers  having knowledge of sports and games having fixed accountability and responsibility.
Sports infrastructure plays a pivotal role in sports performance. There is strong and urgent need of sports stadias at least one at block level which will encourage many youngsters for games and sports participation. In Jammu and Kashmir both the capital cities have football grounds. It is seen that football players  earn a good name at national level and many of players are playing for the top football clubs of India. Sports equipment for most of the games is very costly and a common man cannot afford in our country. If the sports equipment and a coach of particular discipline is made available at the stadium of block level, sports and games shall attract mass participation and result at national and international level shall start pouring in. With the creation of infrastructure, manpower shall be employed hence will reduce unemployment
There is urgent   need to  to  manage the ailing sports  sector and rejuvenate it so that India could establish itself as a strong sports  nation and a young and healthy nation.