Use of technology in classrooms

D K Kotwal
Today the world is making  maximum  use of technology in every field of life, there is no surprise if it has become a permanent feature of a classroom but only of developed countries of the globe and only in a microscopic majority of this country. Facilitators and instructors use a wide range of technological tools for easy and efficient classroom management. In this article , we shall explore the various tools used by facilitators to manage their classrooms. Anyway now we try to find out the reasons why do the teachers and facilitators make use of technology in the classroom for teaching learning process. Here I am using the words-  facilitator and instructor for a teacher because I am talking of child centered eduction.
With the use of technology, the facilitator’s role is more instructional as data is already presented in a structured manner. This helps the facilitator conduct the lesson in a more organized and focused way.
Learners spend less time taking down the instructor’s notes and in this way they remain more engaged and concentrated in the classroom. Learners follow their lessons in their own way .They get their lessons through e- mail.
The instructor gets a lot of time to interact with the learners and pay attention towards the individual’s needs.
As the facilitator indulges in creating fun and interaction with the learners, a vibrant  academic atmosphere is created that is  highly conducive for learning process.
Technology is not only heplful in the preparation of lesson plans but also facilitates in awarding grades to the learners and assessing their performance by using spreadsheets or other programmes.
It is very useful in establishing a connect with the parents regularly and keep them informed about their children’s activities.
The technological tools used by facilitators can be broadly divided into the following categories:
Laptops: This is very useful aid and it should be ensured by the facilitator that all the learners have their own devices to work up on .If the assignments are given, the facilitator has to ensure that they are done in the classroom itself. The misuse of the device is to be prevented as by inserting some software in the device, the facilitator can see all the learners’ screens during class. Facilitator uses his device to give  assignments , grades and much more, thus saving a lot of time.
Tablets: Learners can be engaged more actively and meaningfully as the information is easily available by touching the button with a finger,the lessons and text books are loaded on to the tablets and the facilitator is followed easily during the class. Tests can be easily administered through the tablets.
Interactive whiteboards: These boards are used for writing digitally by the facilitator as they are connected to the computer of the facilitator. The notes written on it can be preserved for the learners. These boards are used to graphically demonstrate the concepts through diagrams, charts, audio and video resources. They also include several study games, thus making the lessons much more engaging  and interesting.
Web and social media: The Internet has opened up a world of resources both for facilitator and learners. Various software and social media apps exist today to help make the facilitator’s job easier. Learners can connect with each other online. Facilitators too can connect and share materials with their learners online. There are now even tech solutions that allow facilitators to track attendance and grades and make these available to parents and learners to view from home.
Projectors: A projector is a great addition to the classroom. It is the device through which the facilitator can share his material with the entire class. This is an interactive tool that keeps children engaged.
Printer and Scanner: A printer cum scanner is extremely useful for the facilitator in many ways,even  many projects are conducted on this electronic device.
Digital Camera: It can be used  for documenting the classroom activities. These devices can make facilitator’s and learners jobs easier and smooth. Exchange of ideas  between them occurs at faster pace,with better understanding.
It must be an endeavour on the part of Government to provide these facilities to all the schools of the country. If we have a look at the present scenario of education system in the state we  find it in shambles. There are schools without most needed infrastructure and teaching personnel especially in remote and rural areas. Unequivocally, speaking the number of schools has gone up very high but the output  is  negligible as they miserably lack in the necessary paraphernalia needed for running them effectively. The felt need of the time is loud and clear that the number of institutes may be reduced but the remaining are to be  augumented with much needed infrastructure and equipped with trained and qualified teaching staff. And  if the education in these schools is made ICT friendly and tech savvy staff is appointed, the quality product can be produced inevitably.Such a product can transform the lot of rural folk and this can prove a boon for making the state educationally, socially and economically vibrant one.