Don’t treat Jammu & Kashmir as ego problem: Yashwant Sinha

MUMBAI: Senior BJP leader Yashwant Sinha today batted for setting aside of egos and holding talks to solve the problems plaguing Jammu and Kashmir.

“The people of Jammu and Kashmir were already upset due to some reasons and Burhan Wani’s incident came as a trigger for the state-wide agitation. I feel Jammu and Kashmir should not be treated as an ego problem… You talk to people and territory will follow,” Sinha said here at a presentation titled ‘Kashmir, in search of solution’.

Talking to people from all sections is more important than portraying the issue as merely a “territorial” one, he said.

“Kashmiris have lost their faith with Indian state over a period of time. They have a feeling of betrayal from the Indian Government, because of the use of pellet guns. Did Government use pellet guns at Marina beach in Tamil Nadu or during the strong agitation of Jat community in Haryana?” Sinha asked.

“Why was it used extensively in Kashmir? It is giving a wrong message to Kashmiri people,” the former finance minister said. (AGENCIES)