Nirvan Divas of Jeevan Sahib celebrated with fervor, gaiety

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 13: In connection with Nirvan Divas of Swami Jeevan Sahib a mystic saint of medieval Kashmir a Maha Yagya was solemnized at Durga Nagar Trust Community  Hall, Anuradha Puram Barnai near here.
A large number of devotees drawn from various areas participated in the Maha Yagya and Satsangh. The devotees were served Prashad after Puranahuti.
The religious discourses were also given by the scholars who threw light on the mystic life of Swami Ji. They said Swami Ji was a great yogi who had total control over his self. They said he was among the great mystic saints of Kashmir like Laleshwari, Swami Mirza Kak etc whose motto of life was Jan Kalyan and devotion to God. Swami Ji had performed many miracles during his life time, they added.
The day was also celebrated at Ladhoo Pampore in Kashmir Valley with religious fervor and gaiety where the original asthapan of Swami Ji exists. The function was organized by local Hindu Biradri of the village under the leadership of Ravi Ji Bhat, Bharat Ji Bhat and H N Bhat.
The devotees also paid obeisance to this great saint on the occasion. The function concluded with serving of Prashad.