Tactics of tunneling

Season in and season out Pakistan and her jihadi organizations are testing new tactics and new methodology of infiltration, subversion and sabotage against our country. The jihadis stationed close to the LoC and in some cases IB are receiving advanced training in subversive activities, new equipment and arms and new orientation to continue jihad against us. They have learnt the tactics of digging tunnels at the LoC and IB which they believe will remain undetected and will facilitate the infiltrating jihadis to sneak into our side. The first ever such tunnel was detected in 2012 by our security forces and ever since till date at least five instances of discovering such tunnels have been reported. The latest is the 20 meter long tunnel beginning in Pakistani side and opening on our side across the IB in Ramgarh area of Samba. Alert BSF jawans discovered the tunnel and thwarted the attempt of jihadis of infiltrating and attacking our police and army posts.
Pakistan Rangers and the army are helping the jihadis in such subversive attempts. The tunnel just discovered by the BSF is 2.5 feet x 2.5 feet which would provide space for a jihadi to crawl and cross the border. Pakistan has made dense plantation on its side to deny Indian observation posts detecting suspicious movements of the jihadis on Pakistani side.
Union Government is likely to show the video recording and other visuals to Pakistani side and raise the issue in the flag meeting of two commanders. However, we do not forget that Pakistan as the evergreen instrument of denial and she will never accept that she is clandestinely doing all these things. How can Pakistan or anybody else expect India to talk peace when Pakistan is determined to continue with subversive agenda against us. It is a fact that our vigilant forces will disallow them any such chance but then Pakistan should be exposed before the world community that her cries of dialogue with India is only fake and false. It is right that the Government demands Pakistan to stop infiltration, terrorism and subversive activities if she wants to talk on bilateral issues.