Ladakh MP reviews Centrally Sponsored Schemes

Excelsior Correspondent
LEH, Feb 27: The quarterly meeting of District Development Coordination and Monitoring Committee (DISHA) was held under the chairmanship of Member Parliament Ladakh Tupstan Chewang, who is also the chairman of DISHA, here today and reviewed the implementation of all the ongoing Centrally Sponsored Schemes.
The meeting was attended by Chief Executive Councilor LAHDC, Leh Dr Sonam Dawa Lonpo, Executive Councilors Dorje Mutop, Tsering Wangdus, Tsering Sandup, Mumtaz Hussain, Deputy Commissioner/ CEO Leh Prasanna Ramaswamy G, Addl Deputy Commissioner, Leh Mozes Kunzang, HODs of concerned departments and representatives of banks and NGOs.
MP reviewed the detailed performances of various Centrally sponsored schemes like MGNREGS, Dendayal Antodaya Yojna (NRLM), PMGSY, National Social Assistance programme, Paradan Mantri Awas Yojna, Swatch Bharat Mission, National Rural Drinking Water Programme, Pradan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojna, Digital India, Land Record Modernizations Pprogramme, RARBAN, AMRUTH, SSA, National Health Mission etc and stressed upon all the HODs to give extra efforts in time bound completion of all the schemes.
While reviewing the MGREGS, the MP was informed that Rs 17 crore have been released so far and almost expended in full. CEC informed that besides MGNREGS two villages have been taken under RURBAN for which all the detail DPRs have been submitted.
While reviewing the PMGSY the MP directed Executive Engineer PMGSY to submit year wise implementation report of Largyap-Pachathang road, Lingshed etc and also directed them to blacklist those contractors who are unable to complete the projects in allotted time. He also directed Executive Engineer PHE for early completion of water supply schemes in Leh town. Detail discussion on various issues and problems facing by the implementing agencies were also discussed in the meeting. The MP informed that the Central Govt has assured to restore the internet facility at Leh by installed V-Set under USO Funding at the earliest.
CEC Dr. Daw apprised the meetings about the Council’s plan to develop one commend area in every block of Leh district under PMKSY and recently adopted eco tourism policy of Council under which Rs 5.30 crore generated from environmental fee will be used to create tourist infrastructures in comprehensive manner.
DC Leh Prasanna Ramaswamy G directed all the HODs to submit detail report of all the Centrally sponsored schemes by 19th April, 2017. Taking serious note of the low expenditure under SSA, he directed Joint Director Education and CEO Leh to visit all the SSA schools of the district and submit the report within 15 days.