Dr Rajiv to attend IEA-SEA workshop at Nepal

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 27: Dr Rajiv K Gupta, Professor, PG Department of PSM, GMC, Jammu, has won the prestigious scholarship for Indian Epidemio-logical Assoc-iation-South East Asia (IEA-SEA) workshop cum training scheduled to be held at Pokhra in Nepal from April 10 to 15.
Indian Association of Preventive & Social Medicine (IAPSM), the official body of PSM in India has recommended four IAPSM members from India to participate in this workshop and Dr Rajiv K Gupta, Professor, PSM, GMC, Jammu, happens to be among one of these four recommended members.
The theme of the workshop is Epidemiology of Non-communicable diseases. All the four recommended members have been waived off registration fee of USD 300 for the workshop as part of scholarship from IAPSM.