Sports week concludes at Navyug HSS

Students of Navyug HSS posing for a group photograph during concluding ceremony of Sports Week.
Students of Navyug HSS posing for a group photograph during concluding ceremony of Sports Week.

Excelsior Sports Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 27: Sports week organized by Navyug Higher Secondary School concluded in an impressive ceremony, here today.
Managing Director of the school, Hardev Singh Jamwal was the chief guest on the concluding function.
Various games and sports were organized during the week and the main attractions of the events were Chess, Shooting, Badminton, Sack Race, Lemon and Spoon Race, Banana race, Bursting of Balloons, Bun race and Tug of War.
About 400 students participated in this week-long event and tried their best to prove their worth. Games and sports competitions were held in two batches-Junior wing, comprising of the playway section of the School and Senior wing which comprised of classes from Primary wing to Class 7th. Medals and trophies were distributed to the prize winners.
In the concluding function, Managing Director of the institute, Mr. Jamwal congratulated the winners and runners- up of different events played during sports week and applauded the efforts of the sports teacher and other staff members who participated actively for the conduct of sporting events.
Principal, Preetika Jamwal in his brief speech once again congratulated the winners and urged that each student should participate in these competitions.
She also said that more games and sports will be included in the school curriculum.