Grant in Aid employees demand salaries

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Mar 30: Grant in Aid Employees Association has demanded release of their salaries at par with other migrant employees.
In a memorandum submitted to Government through Chand Ji Koul president of the Association while highlighted the plight of these employees said that they have been leading a miserable life for last 27 years in exile after they were hounded out from the Valley along with other members of the community.
In the memorandum Koul said that there were17 grant in aid institutions working in the Valley and the employees of these institutions were getting the salaries at par with the staff of government schools as these schools were receiving aid from the Government.
However after the mass exodus in 1989-90 when the members of the community were forced to leave the Valley to take refuge in Jammu and other parts of the country these migrant employees of grant in aid schools were not given the salary despite their repeated pleas to concerned authorities over these years.
Koul said that these employees are running from pillar to post for justice but to no avail. He said the Government had ordered the payment of salary to the female grant in aid employees some years back while the male employees were asked to remain confined on relief. However after some time the salaries of female employees were also stopped adding to their woes.
Maintaining that grant in aid employees were totally dependent on grant allocations, he demanded that they be treated as Government employees and be given salaries accordingly.
In an appeal to the Government the Association expressed the hope that present State Government will give a considerate relook to grant in aid employees and would take up this issue on priority basis to release the financial grants released since the time of migration took place. The Association also demanded pension for those employees who got superannuated over these years.