Agitating Contractual Lecturers urge Govt to look into their case

Contractual Lecturers addressing press conference at the venue of chain hunger strike.
Contractual Lecturers addressing press conference at the venue of chain hunger strike.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, May 11: Contractual Lecturers of 10+2, who are agitating for the last 87 days demanding their regularization, have urged the State Government to look into their case without any prejudice.
Addressing media persons at the venue of chain hunger strike near Press Club Jammu, Arun Bakshi, president of the Contractual Lecturers (10+2) Association, alleged that the Government functionaries, including Education Minister, never tried to go through the documents submitted by them in support of their demand for regularization. “We are  demanding our right as these 10+2 Lecturers are contractual vide order no.1584-edu.of 2003 and vide order no.1328 of GAD, according to which they are to be continued till further orders and their regularization as per the Civil Services Special Provision Act 2010, a policy framed for  regularization of all the Ad-hoc/ Contractual/Consolidated empl-oyees after rendering seven years of services,” he explained.
Arun Bakshi reiterated that the Association would continue its indefinite chain hunger strike and the ongoing dharna till their demand is conceded by the Government. “The Education Minister has assured to consider our case in the next Cabinet meeting and if the same is not done, we will further intensify our struggle and  will take action against the BJP ministers in Coalition Government,” he warned.
The press conference was also addressed by Jeevan Kumar and others, who warned that such callous attitude of the Government towards Contractual Lecturers, a highly educated class of the society, was sending a wrong signal to future generations, who would feel discouraged for undergoing higher education.