3 yrs of NDA Government

The BJP led NDA Government completed three years of rule recently. There were numerous celebrations throughout the country to mark the event. The Government presented its report card with great pride and enthusiasm. However ground reality is somewhat different. The Government has not lived upto the expectations of people particularly Dalits. The slogan “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas” turned out to be hollow’. The BJP has not taken all sections of society in its stride. The State BJP even failed to implement the Art 50(6) of the State Constitution which provides for nomination of three OBC MLCs out of 08 by the State Governor.
The promise of waiving off farmers loans has not been kept by the Central Government. In a clear statement it said that Centre Government would not provide funds to States for loan waiving ”.
Besides, the prices of essential commodities are rising on daily basis. The law and order situation in the country has not improved, particularly in Uttar Pradesh where it was an election plank some months ago.
Yours etc…
Prof Kali Dass
General Secretary, AIBCU