Govt faces embarrassment in RS over backward classes bill

NEW DELHI: The Rajya Sabha today saw high drama and embarrassment for the Government as a Constitution amendment bill on backward classes was changed after some amendments moved by the Opposition were passed by the House.

            The Constitution (123rd Amendment) Bill, 2017, providing for setting up of a National Commission for Backward Classes, was passed after dropping Clause 3, to which four amendments was approved by the House earlier.

            The dropped clause pertains to the insertion of a new article 338B about the constitution and powers of the National Commission for Backward Classes.

            The amended bill will now have to be returned to the Lok Sabha for its fresh approval. The Lower House had already passed the bill but in the Upper House it had been referred to a Select Committee as the Opposition had wanted more scrutiny.

            Days after the Select Committee submitted its report, the Rajya Sabha today took up the Constituent amendment bill, whose passage requires two-third majority of those present and voting in the 245-member House. (AGENCIES)