Jammu girl, her team win world competition by NASA

Jammu girl Taavishe Gupta (Middle) and her team holding Indian Flag after winning NASA competition at USA.
Jammu girl Taavishe Gupta (Middle) and her team holding Indian Flag after winning NASA competition at USA.

Excelsior Sports Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 6: Taavishe Gupta of Jammu and her team made J&K as well as  entire  India proud by winning the annual CanSat-2017 competition,  organized by NASA, AAS (American Astronautical Society) and AIAA( American Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics), held at Tarleton State University, Stephanville, Texas, USA.
A total of 100  teams participated in this competition from different countries all over the world. 50 were shortlisted and  team of Taavishe became first non American team ever to win this prestigious competition and hoist the Indian flag on the stage.
Taavishe Gupta, daughter of Parveen Kumar Gupta and Manju Gupta of Gurha Bakshi Nagar, Jammu,  is currently pursuing her B Tech in Aerospace Engineering from University of Petroleum and Energy Studies(UPES) Dehradun.  Her team Astral had been working hard since a year for this completion and finally they overcame all the hurdles and won the Best Team ‘1st Place’ award and leaving behind prestigious colleges like the Princeton University, University of Manchester, etc.
Team Astral,  consisting  of 23 members from different domains and 14 shortlisted members,  including Taavishe,  went to US for the competition. In this competition, they had to make a space glider that will be enclosed in a ‘can’ and launched by rocket.
Taavishe along with her few team members was also invited by Dr Harsh Vardhan, (Science and Technology Minister of India) .  Arvind Kejriwal (CM Delhi) and  Manish Sisodia (Deputy Chief Minister) who  honored them for making India proud.
She also got a big opportunity to visit NASA in Houston (USA) . Taavishe gives the full credit of her success to her parents who always are very supportive for her ambitions and the dedication of  her team. Since her childhood, she dreams of  becoming an astronaut and by winning the Annual CANSAT 2017 competition,  she has come  one step closer to her dream.