Students set afire stage set for sports festival

Stage and tents set afire by the students at GDC Anantnag on Wednesday. -Excelsior/Younis Khaliq
Stage and tents set afire by the students at GDC Anantnag on Wednesday. -Excelsior/Younis Khaliq

Excelsior Sports Correspondent
ANANTNAG, Aug 23: Students at the Anantnag Degree College in South Kashmir today went on a rampage, setting afire the stage set by the Police for a sports festival to protest against holding of the event.
According to reports, Police were supposed to organize a sports event at GDC Anantnag and Deputy Inspector General (DIG) South Kashmir, SP Pani was to inaugurate it at 3 pm. The preparations for the event were going on in full swing since morning and  police had erected tents, pondium and also made seating arrangements.
The situation turned ugly after police attempted to unfurl tricolor on the College Campus, when a group of students started raising slogans and pelted stones.
The police personnel tried to chase away the miscreants but more students joined the violent protest and set on fire the stage and the tents erected in the ground.
Additional contingents of police were deployed in and outside the Anantnag College and after several hours, the situation normalized.
The police later cancelled the scheduled event and there were no reports of anyone getting injured in the incident so far.