KP Joint Action for immediate deportation of Rohingyas

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 19:  To discuss the prevailing socio- political situation in the State the KP Joint Action organized a meeting here today.
While addressing the meeting Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo, Chairman, KP Joint Action expressed serious concern over the issue of illegal immigration of Bangladeshis and Rohingyas in Jammu region. He complimented the Government of India for its stand on the issue particularly the way it has projected the issue before the Apex Court. He said that there is an imperative need to bring out a report on the subject stating clearly as to how these illegal immigrations took place at all and who were responsible for their transportation and settlement in a sensitive Border State. “We urge the State Government to urgently complete the process of having an in-depth study of the situation and also include the members of the civil society in its efforts and come out with the report so that the necessary steps for their deportation are undertaken. There cannot be any threat to the internal security graver than the organised threat of these illegal immigrants”.
R.K.Bhat, president, YAIKS and general secretary, KP Joint Action in his address said that the Government is appealed to immediately take a decision on the issue of one time settlement of the educated and over-aged youth of the community who have been expecting the new dispensation to take the call. There are complaints pending regarding the ration distribution to the displaced people which is the anti thesis of a welfare State. “We demand that the process for recruitment of the 3000 package employees be initiated in a time bound manner and a separate agency be set up for this purpose”, he added. The Valley based employees of the displaced community be brought at par with the other ‘migrant’ employees. This is a genuine demand that needs the government’s attention.
Virender Raina said that an overwhelming constituency in the country favours the abrogation of Article 370 and 35A. They are on the same page as the majority nationalist population of the J&K State is on the subject. The people of these states favour the abrogation of these Articles from the Indian Constitution as they tend to create a State within a State and are responsible for creating a constitutional justification for secession and separatism. These Articles have potential to reinforce the absurdity of the so-called sub-nationalism drawing its inspiration from Muslim majoritarianism, he added.
The meeting among others was addressed by Manoj Handoo, Sameer Bhat and Kalhan Kachroo.