Statehood ultimate solution to woes of Jammu region: Harsh

JKNPP chairman, Harsh Dev Singh addressing a public meeting in Ramnagar constituency.
JKNPP chairman, Harsh Dev Singh addressing a public meeting in Ramnagar constituency.

Excelsior Correspondent
RAMNAGAR, Sept 29: With Jammu made to reconcile with its second class status by various Governments and more particularly the present Government, the JKNPP stand stood fully vindicated that statehood for Jammu was the only and ultimate solution for all ills afflicting the highly deprived region.
This was stated by Harsh Dev Singh, JKNPP chairman and former Minister, while addressing various public meetings during his tour of villages Chiani, Thalora, Dhamma, Battal besides his native village Bhugtarian of Ramnagar constituency.
With Kashmir’s unrelenting dominance in the political landscape of the State, it was virtually impossible for Jammu region to get a fair deal and its due share under the existing setup, Harsh observed.
He said that while the issue of Jammu’s neglect and its deprivation was being raised by almost all political and social organizations of the region, yet the much needed initiative to evolve a solution or to fight the bias was conspicuously missing.
Harsh said that it was JKNPP alone which had repeatedly brought in public domain and aggressively agitated against the most contemptuous and ugly episodes of bias doled out to Jammu region by successive Governments.
Lambasting the lame duck Ministers of the saffron brigade, Harsh said that nothing could be expected of such leaders who could not get even a holiday declared on 23rd September despite the most popular demand of their electorates who had given them 25 seats.
With regional sensibilities becoming irreconcilable with each passing day, added Singh, the demand for statehood alone could satisfy the urges and aspirations of the people of the ignored Jammu Pradesh.
Regarding the local issues of the Ramnagar constituency, Harsh expressed serious concern over the brewing public resentment due to non issue of Aadhar cards in a majority of villages. He also called for immediate repairs and maintenance of all dilapidated village link roads which had been rendered un-trafficable due to official apathy.