Accession Day

Approps K B Jandial’ ST (DE October 21) “Observe 22nd as Black day, 26th October as Accession Day”. Official celebrations of  J&K’s Accession Day  are long overdue. It is also necessary to counter false propoganda of separatists who project it as Black Day which is contrary to the facts validated by subsequent happenings and geopolitical conditions in two neighbouring countries-India and Pakistan. The evil designs of the latter on Kashmir are broadly well known, but the details as revealed in the Straight Talk are not known even to the older generation. Everyone should know the history and historical facts should be remembered by everyone,  lest we fall prey to the mischief mongers and tyrants again. The raiders did not spare Kashmiri Muslims too. But are Kashmiri Muslim youth of today aware of the historical fact? Falsehood must be exposed sooner the better for all.
Observing Oct 22 as Black Day or Day of Invasion too would be an awareness campaign in the right perspective to clear the dark clouds and usher in the sunshine of truth. People of all communities of the state should come forward to celebrate 27 October as Day of Fulfillment and observe 22 October as Black Day and thus isolate the elements spreading falsehood and bad blood among different segments of people of the much beguiled state of J&K. If the people come forward on these important issues, the Govt is bound to follow. Truth must prevail.
Yours etc….
J K Vaid,
former Director GSI,
Your Straight Talk on Black day and Accession Day in DE is insightful and has been knowledgeable reading through and whilst this year might be too late and too close to the date, in future, these days will regain their significance.
Yours etc…
Kunal Kakar
On e-mail