Financial irregularities

Two major types of development schemes run parallel in the State. One is the State sponsored and the other is the Centrally Sponsored Schemes. As far as the Centrally Sponsored Schemes are concerned the general formula in most of these schemes is that the Centre contributes 90 per cent of estimated cost while the State is asked to pay the remaining 10 per cent. This formula is applicable in most of the schemes sponsored by the Centre.
Of late the Government has found some irregularities made by the State officials in dispersing the State’s share of various Centrally Sponsored Schemes. Most of these schemes pertain to the agriculture sector. At present nine Centrally Sponsored Schemes are run by this department. As far as the question of utilization of the State Government’s share in these projects is concerned which is 10 per cent of the total estimated cost, it has come to the notice of the State authorities that many grave irregularities are happening. Planning Development and Monitoring Department had conveyed its authorization to the utilization of 50% of the 2017-18 Capex Budget under State and District sector. Consequently respective Administrative Departments, Heads of the Department and District Development Commissioners were instructed to strictly adhere to the norms set forth by the Government as per the sectored allocations. However, it has been found that concerned authorities have over spent on projects and thus have left liability on the Government. The Financial Commissioner of the Agricultural Production Department had conveyed the instructions in this regard to the heads of all the wings of the department as well as Mission Directors and Nodal Officers of the Centrally Sponsored Schemes. However despite clear instructions the implementing authorities have not maintained the norms and thus forced the Government to issue warning to them that a serious view would be taken if the instructions were not strictly adhered to.
Implementation of the schemes as per the instructions is the duty of Mission Directors/Nodal Officers dealing with various Centrally Sponsored Schemes in agriculture sector. Regrettably they are not adhering to the conditions laid down in two Government orders in letter and spirit. Majority of the Mission Directors and Nodal Officers have been incurring expenditure on account of State Share without the availability of the Central Share.
We find that there is either communication gap somewhere hindering proper implementation of the schemes or that there are vested interests working silently for nothing else but self aggrandisement.  It is common sense that expenditures can be made from the share of the State which is 10 per cent only after the bulk of the amount is received from the Central Ministry. Just information from the Centre that it will sponsor the scheme and pay its share means very little. The formula comes into force only when the share of the Central Ministry is received. Alarmed at expending beyond the limits prescribed by the Government, the Principal Secretary to Government, Agriculture Production Department Sundeep Kumar Nayak has dashed a communication to all the Mission Directors and Nodal Officers of the Centrally Sponsored Schemes to refrain from making expenditure on account of State Share without the availability of Central Share and incurring excess expenditure corresponding to Central Share. We hope that the recipients will understand their responsibility and follow the instructions in letter and spirit failing which they would be liable to action under rules. Now that this financial irregularity has come to fore it is just possible that similar irregularities would be occurring in other departments. Therefore it would be advisable if the Government initiates a mechanism that could be foolproof against such irregularity in future.