Foundation Day of Regional News Unit Radio Station Jammu celebrated

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 6:  The Regional News Unit of Radio Station, Jammu, today celebrated its Foundation Day.
Set up on December 6, 1971 during the troubled time of Indo-Pak war, the RNU has gained immense popularity among the people not only in the sensitive Jammu and Kashmir State but even across the borders.  It is one of 47 RNUs of All India Radio network in various regional languages across   the country.  Presently there are three Dogri and two Gojri news bulletins put out at optimal timings in the morning, afternoon and evening every day with maximum listenership.
The news-room staff celebrated the Foundation Day and aired a specially prepared Radio feature today to highlight the proud story of Dogri and Gojri news bulletins from the J&K State’s first Radio Station at Jammu and highlighting its importance and public impact as well as contribution.
To start with the news bulletins, twice-a-day in Dogri language, was aimed to inform and educate the general masses about the true facts and clear the environment of rumours, infuse confidence and also counter poisonous propaganda from across our borders.  An eminent writer, Thakur Poonchi was the founding editor of Dogri News Unit, who on the inaugural day single-handedly prepared news bulletin and ably broadcasted it. Over the years, these bulletins created wide-spread awareness and were appreciated by general public. The basic objective of these news casts has been to put out all facts and true picture before the people and also gain public confidence. The work in the Dogri news section was manual with few staff members, limited correspondents filing the news-item through telephone, telegrams or agencies through teleprinters. But it is noteworthy that the two Dogri bulletins were listened with due attention and these were discussed debated.
It may be recalled that noted editors of Regional News Unit of Radio Station, Jammu include among others: Thakur Poonchi, D R Kiran Kashmiri, Ajit Singh, A K Handoo, Mohd Yussuf Ganai, M.K. Wangoo, Balwant Singh, Vijay Saqi, RK Raina, Sanjit Khajuria and Neha Jalali.
The news-caster connected with RNU, Jammu to name only few are: Lajya Manhas, Narendra Bhasin, Joginderpal Chhatarpal, Dr Veena Gupta, Vijay Sharma, Chanchal Bhasin, Bhanu, Sudershan Prashar, Praveen Kesar, Kuldeep Singh Jandriya Nirmal Vinod and many other news-casters.