CM releases Rs 30 lakh for various schemes in Kishtwar

Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti at a public grievances redressal camp in Kishtwar on Saturday.
Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti at a public grievances redressal camp in Kishtwar on Saturday.

Excelsior Correspondent
KISHTWAR, Dec 9: Extending her public outreach programme to Doda region, Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti today reached here on a three-day tour to convene public grievances redressal camps at Kishtwar and Doda.
In the first leg, she convened a public grievances redressal camp here today. During the day long camp, she listened to the problems of people of extremely far flung and cut off   areas of the district.
The demands raised by the people included start of work on Vailoo-Singhpora tunnel, setting up of a skill development institute for training manpower for upcoming power projects in the region, establishment of a women’s college in the town and early completion of Naigarh water supply scheme.

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Several deputations from the town demanded construction of circular road in the town, addressing the drinking water needs of the area by early augmentation of Naigarh water supply scheme, setting up of a juvenile home and construction of an auditorium and spots field in the town. They also demanded early start of construction on the Vailoo-Singhpora tunnel which would create a sense of unanimity among the regions besides lifting the trade and economy of the two regions by shortening the distances.
A deputation of members of Bar Association demanded refurbishing of the court complex and construction of more lawyers chambers.
The Chief Minister announced release of Rs 10 lacs for refurbishing the court complex. She also announced release of Rs 10 lacs for developing a forest track from Kishtwar to Kalamsar area.
A deputation from Dachan demanded forest clearance for construction of Lopara-Hanzal-Marwah road. They also demanded upgradation of power distribution in the area and availability of solar lights in the meantime. Another deputation from Bonjal, Dachchan demanded repairs of the irrigation and Zamindari khuls in the area. They also sought setting up a skill development institute at Kishtwar to tap the employment potential of the upcoming power projects in the region besides construction of a Dak Bungalow at Dachchan.
The Chief Minister directed that by March 31, 2018 the distribution of solar lights among the deserving people of these areas should be completed.
Another deputation from Marwah-Wadwan area sought upgradation of High School, Nawapachi and Middle School, Yurdoo to Higher Secondary School and High School respectively. They also demanded introduction of air service to the area due to its far flungness.
A deputation of people from Gulabgarh area demanded completion of the local water supply scheme.
Mehbooba announced release of Rs 30 lacs for the early completion of the water supply scheme.
A deputation of people from Tata Pani, Marwah demanded construction of tourist huts at the famed springs to attract more tourists.
Many deputations from Padder demanded establishment of a cultural centre to preserve the local heritage and culture. They also sought establishment of a pashmina goat farm Sunchang and a Yak farm at Kaban.       A deputation of women demanded shifting of wine shops from the populated areas, posting of more gynaecologists to the health centres of the District and earmarking seats for ladies in the buses.
Deputations of traders, engineers, youth groups and people from Drabshalla, Nagseni, Chatroo, Bunjwah, Machail, Mughalmaidan and other areas also met the Chief Minister and sought redressal of their grievances.
She listened to the demands of the deputations throughout the day and it continued till late in the night. In many of the cases, Mehbooba gave on spot directions for the redressal of the grievances which was hailed by the deputationists.
Transport Minister Sunil Sharma, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Rohit Kansal; Divisional Commissioner, Jammu, Dr. Mandeep K Bhandari; senior officers from the Chief Minister’s Secretariat and Planning Department; heads of several Departments; Chiefs of many Engineering wings; DIG, JKR, Basant Rath; Deputy Commissioner Kishtwar, SSP, and officers of District administration were present on the occasion.
Meanwhile, expressing concern over the reports of prevalence of hepatitis in some areas of Wadwan, Mehbooba directed sending a team of doctors to the area to check the prevalence of and control the same.
The issue came to fore during the public grievance redressal camp.
Several deputations from Wadwan area complained to the Chief Minister about the prevalence of the disease and sought remedial measures for the same.
She directed submission of the report by the team to the Government at the earliest for further action.
Mehbooba directed sending a team of veterinarians to the area to enquire complaints of non-availability of vaccines for cattle and sheep. She asked the Deputy Commissioner to ensure that vaccines for livestock are made available in the area and also administered in time.