3rd Pathankot District Special Olympics Bharat held

Excelsior Sports Correspondent
PATHANKOT, Apr 11: 3rd Pathankot District Special Olympics Bharat was held by AWWA Asha School Pathankot at APS Ground, here today.
All special schools of the district participated in the event. It included AWWA ASHA School, ASHA Kiran School, Mini Bright School, St Francis Home and All Government Schools of Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan.
The event was witnessed by many dignitaries from the Civil Administration including the District Commissioner, Pathankot Dr Neelima and Amarjeet Singh Anand, Vice President Punjab State Special Olympics Bharat.
Brig JS Budhwar, Commander Pathankot Sub Area was the chief guest on the occasion.
36 athletic events were held in which 70 special children participated.
The meet was declared open by Karam Budhwar, Chairperson FWO Pathankot Sub Area.
The DC gave away the individual prizes and the exhorted the children to continue performing better in the future also.
The overall winners were St Francis, Pathankot while the runners-up trophy went to Mini Bright School, Pathankot. Ace athletes Shikha and Rupesh of AWWA Asha School Pathankot were adjudged best female and male athletes resepctively.
The event was a true embodiment of the Motto of Special Olympics, which is “Let me win But if I cannot win Let me be brave in the attempt”.