Workshop concludes with finale of mega talent hunt on folk songs

Excelsior  Sports Correspondent
LEH, Dec 10: The week long workshop organised by Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture and Languages, Leh-Ladakh, concluded today with grand finale of mega talent hunt on folk songs- 2012 at New Millennium Auditorium Dambuchan, here.
Besides group songs and individual songs, a folk song by the youngest participant Tsewang Thinles and a composite folk singing programme was also presented, during the event.
In Group competition, Daff Group under expert Ali Mohd won the first prize while in individual category, Padma Dolkar from Wanla won the first prize and Skarma Dolma of Manmerag and Dechen Yangdol of Photolalok bagged second and third prizes respectively.
CEC, LAHDC, Leh, Rigzin Spalbar, who was the chief guest on the occasion, in his address, stressed on the role of Art and Culture in making the future Ladakh an example for the entire world for its art of living based on happiness.
Crediting everyone concerned in initiating the talent hunt programme and making it a great success, Spalbar gave his assurance on giving all sort of financial assistance in organising such fruitful and meaningful programmes in future and also to include such noble initiatives in Council’s policy.
The talent hunt programme was sponsored by LAHDC, Leh, AIR, Leh, DDK, Leh, Information Department, Education Department, Ladakh Media and Culture society, All Ladakh Tour Association, Leh, Dayangh Studio and Friend, SECMOl, Phey and New Millenium School, Leh.