Stardust to DNA

Jyoti Vakhlu
25th of April is celebrated as DNA day as it  commemorates the discovery of double helix in 1953 and complete sequencing of Human genome in 2003. Stephan Hawking , the great theoritical physicist was of the opinion that this magnificiant earth  of ours is but a  small planet of a very average star. So what makes it special to us,  is us. It is humbling to know that we the people, even the planet we inhabit, are but an accretion of atoms and molecules, of stardust from the beginning.  Therefore that brief moment in history when stardust got converted  to DNA , the life molecule,  is the moment when nothing got converted into something and became poetry in chemistry .
Once man evolved from being Homo eractus to Homo sapiens and looked outwardly at night sky and inwardly at his family,  there were two major  mysteries to be unravelled.  The greater pupose of life in this universe and connectivity and similarity  of the life in family and on the large in  the ecosystem. The exploration of the sky  that begin with Copernican revolution is still continuing with and so is  exploration regarregarding continuity and similarity  of life.  Mandel, the father of genetics categorically demonstrated  transfer of  physical entity,  he called factors, move  from parents to offspring . Though  at that time he could not demonstrate the chemical/ organic  nature of the factor , but contributions by various researchers finally led to the discovery of the molecule called DNA , that was responsible for the continuity and similarity of life on this earth.
Interestingly the molecule, DNA  is very simple , made of just for building block ( the way colours of made of just 3 primary colours) and is double straded  , like yin-yan and most importantly like life itself ,  capable of self replication. It is power of directing  self replication that  separates DNA from the routine stardust. Similarly presence of DNA on earth distinguishes it from rest of the planets in the solar system. Since the structure of DNA was discovered about 71 years ago the , the study of life has not remained the same, this can be compared to the  moment when Newton saw apple fall.
DNA  is a common thread between all life forms from viruses to elephants to man, shows exactly same mechanism for  replication, recombination and transfer of information by transcription.  So very interestingly we  living being are nothing  but the carriers /lockers for the DNA. DNA does not need cell to replicate it but more importantly for its storage and stability. Cell of which living being are made is a disaster proof locker for DNA. Philosophers speculate that DNA has created man to explore possibility of its transport to other planets. Recently there are indications where in researchers plan  to sent the bacteria ( smallest and simplest locker  for DNA) to other planets and see if it survives and multiples in any  environment other than earth. The experiment instead of finding life on other planets is sending life to other planets . Mind it,  that it is DNA via permutation and combinations of its basic units that directs biosynthesis of variety of proteins that help us survive, in present environment. To cite a basic example, the  battery of enzymes that help us respirate on earth. Similarly the DNA stored in the bacteria after millions of permutation and combinations  can make that perfect enzymes that  may allows  cell to survive in atmosphere quite different from the  earth
However   for the time-being, like gravitational theory mankind  has used discovery of structure and function of DNA  for its own use and upliftment on  planet earth. Bacteria/fungi are  directed  to produced human proteins and hormones, by the technique called recombinant DNA technology or genetic engineering,  insulin is the most apt example. Now we have moved to developing transgenic animals and plants  that have surprising combination of the traits like  golden rice , the rice with Vit. A precursor or Bt. cotton, the plant with a bacterial gene. The latest is genome editing wherein genes are corrected in the genome to introduce new  traits or correcting the  defected ones. The  DNA like cosmos is intriguing but for the time being we have tamed it to be used in our service or so it seems. On this DNA day let us turn inwards and try to understandlife from within.
(The author is  Professor and Director School of Biotechnology , University of Jammu, Jammu)