Major General Nilendra holds Interactive Session at DPS Jammu

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, May 14: Major General Nilendra Kumar, ADG, NCC, Directorate of Jammu and Kashmir held an Interactive Session with the senior girls at DPS, here today.
He was accompanied by Colonel RK Sharma and Brigadier Sanjay Kadian.
The purpose of the session was to motivate the girl students to take up NCC in order to play a constructive role in nation building through its various programs and activities. He gave several real life examples of NCC Cadets who excelled in various national and international fields, and brought glory to the name of their states and parents.
His practical examples of ‘Brick’ and a ‘Cup’ triggered creative stimulation among the audience.
Major General also presented the “Best NCC Cadet Award” to Cdt. Vanshika Ahuja of class XII who had won this title at one of the NCC camps at Nagrota.
Earlier, the Major General was given an impressive welcome by the school band, NCC Cadets and the school staff. He was presented with a potted plant and a school memento as a token of respect, while the school choir too presented a soul-stirring patriotic song.
Major General also visited the school shooting range and expressed satisfaction.
The Annual NCC Report 2017-18 was read out by Anjana Bakshi, NCC In-charge who highlighted various activities and camps attended by the NCC girls.
Principal, DPS Jammu, Ruchi Chabra presented vote of thanks.
Also present on the occasion were Headmistress, Meenu Gupta, Ravi Kotroo and Umesh Kumar Sharma.