Anganwari workers, helpers urge Ganai to fulfill their demands

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 7: Anganwari Workers and Helpers’ Union (AWHU), Jammu today urged upon Khurshid Ahmad Ganai, Advisor to Governor NN Vohra, to fulfill its promise made with the Union during a meeting held on July 20.
The issue was discussed threadbare in a meeting of the Union held here today under the chairmanship of Reenu Sharma, chairperson of the Union. The meeting was attended by all working committee members, besides other Union leaders drawn from different ICDS blocks of Jammu Division.
All present in the meeting expressed their deep concern and anguish over the inordinate delay in issuance of order concerning their demands like regularization of Anganwari workers and Helpers with minimum wage grade, enhancement of honorarium of Anganwari workers to Rs 10,000 per month and Helpers to Rs 6000, pending regularization, etc, during stipulated period of 15 days as assured by the Advisor on July 20, 2018.
While addressing the meeting, Suman Suri, president of the Union said that the stipulated period of 15 days as promised by the Advisor during meeting with them expired on August 5 and to our utter dismay, the order this effect, as promised, has not been issued till date.
An unanimous resolution to remind the Advisor, of his assurances, was passed by the Anganwari Workers and Helpers present in the meeting. It was decided that the Advisor will be requested to stick to his assurances and expedite the things as early as possible, failing which the Union will have no option other than to be back on roads after August 24, for getting their long pending genuine demands redressed.