Corrupt enjoying plum postings

Let us touch the Achilles heel of the Government in its tall claims about fighting the menace of corruption by questioning its very intentions. How can the Government, otherwise account for those officials who have been booked for indulging in corrupt practices being allowed to enjoy plum and prized postings at different levels in the State administration.
The intentions of the Government would never have invited adverse feelings from the public who are carefully but indignantly watching the gap between a projected perception and actual action by the Government in fighting the plague of corruption. It should, instead, have walked a step further by either attaching these officials with some departments or out rightly, placed their services under suspension pending decisions on their conduct by the competent authorities including the courts.
It is not the question of such officials virtually carrying stigma of corruption or corrupt practices and even FIRs lodged against them, as badges of chivalry and enjoying cozy officialdom but seeing them getting no punishments, directly helps in abetting, promoting and instigating others to follow their path and thus make a mockery of the “commitment” of the political leadership to “eradicate” corruption, lock stock and barrel, from Jammu and Kashmir State. Why is the Government itself creating obstacles and barriers in ensuring fair, impartial and time bound investigations by the designated anti corruption body? The ones who should have been behind the bars are made cottoned to the postings of their choice by invoking “rasookh” with the higher ups.
Let some examples be quoted to lay bare facts about the issue .Former Directors of Rural Development Department Jammu and Assistant Commissioners of Development (ACDs) of Rajouri and Poonch were booked for misappropriation of Government funds. Though the Government should have straightaway placed them under suspension, or attached them with some departments, least given insignificant postings with absolutely no powers, yet Noor Alam, the then ACD Rajouri was transferred and posted as ACD of Udhampur. Similarly, Mukhtiar Ahmed who was also booked in the case, continues to be in the same post and in the same station. Mohammed Yousuf Malik, ACD Reasi was booked and FIR lodged against him for possessing assets disproportionate to income continues to be holding the same post. Who has disregarded and unheeded the suggestion of the State Vigilance Organization which in writing in April 2018, had requested for shifting both these officials to insignificant posting? That too needs to be enquired into and action taken against those who violated the moral and the ethical code.
The mundanity by the Government in assertively implementing the cardinal rule in respect of a suspected corrupt official and more so, a “booked” one, is conspicuous of not removing him from the post and the station lest he manages tampering with records or attempting to influence prospective witnesses who would reveal all that was needed by the investigating agencies in getting him prosecuted. In other words, it amounted to encouraging corrupt practices in Government departments. We are pained to point out the negative attitude of even the premier General Administration Department of the State which is supposed to act as a role model for other wings and departments of the Government in treating with disdain and derision, communications of the State Vigilance Organization. The main question is as to how under these circumstances, corruption could be fought out.