Return of migrants to home localities not acceptable: KHC

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 1: Kashmiri Hindu Conference (KHC) in a meeting here today held under the chairmanship of M L Thusoo rejected the return of the community to their home localities for security reasons as the community will not like to be a scapegoat once again.
Besides to make the return formula meaningful and restore the confidence of the community the meeting said steps be taken for carving out a safe and secure township for the community’s lasting stay in the Valley.
The meeting said that Government should work to translate its words into deeds and mere statements can’t convince this community which is leading 23 rd year in exile.
While commenting on the recent statement of Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah who acknowledged the catastrophe that the Pandits went in 1989-90, the meeting said that the words alone can’t heel up the wounds of the victimized and aggrieved community but some thing in practical needs to be done.
P L Koul Badgami in his address said that in case Chief Minister wants some thing tangible should be done he should not stop on words but translate them into deeds. The ground realities reveal that there is a reverse outline on the graph, he added.
He said it is obvious that despite announcement of employment package in 2008 its implementation has not taken place. The Shrines and Temples Bill, was introduced in Assembly by NC itself, which has not seen the light of the day for years together. Besides no steps were taken to protect the identity of the community, its cultural ethos so far, he added.
He said the miniscule minority of KPs deserve some constitutional guarantees, minority status, reservation in Legislature as a first step to infuse confidence in them.